Paul says, Flee idolatry, 1 Cor 10.14. He goes on to say that sacrifices offered to idols are sacrifices offered to demons, 1 Cor 10.20. He says further that we cannot partake in the Lord's Table and in the table of demons. John also warns us, saying, Little children, guard yourselves from idols, 1 John 5.21. There are also serious warnings by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself in the book of Revelation about eating food sacrificed to idols, Rev 2.14 and 2.20.
Idolatry is a very serious matter. At Bethel, in Genesis 35, we see how Jacob's family buried their idols and ear-rings [charms] under the oak tree in Shechem. We saw how the power of God was released on their behalf, for the terror of God fell upon their enemies. Idolatry is a kind of bondage [Gal 4.8; Col 2.8], and we have to be released from that bondage. We have to be redeemed from vain customs and traditions [1 Pet 1.18]. Idolatry brings a curse [Deut 7.26; 27.15], prevents us from entering the kingdom of God [1 Cor 6.9] and destines us for the lake of fire [Rev 21.8].
Yet despite all the warnings of Moses [in Deuteronomy], and all the warnings of the prophets, we find a strong tendency among God's people [Israel] to worship idols. The sacred place, Bethel, became the site of the golden calf set up by Jeroboam. It was because of this idolatry [worship of the golden calf, worship of Baal] that Israel went into captivity.
During the reign of Josiah, the idolatrous altar and high place at Bethel was destroyed [2 Kings 23.15] Subsequently they celebrated the Passover, and it is written that such a glorious Passover was not observed since the days of the Judges. No king in Judah or Israel had observed such a wonderful Passover. Don't we see the connection? If the Passover speaks of Christ and His great [finished] work on the Cross, then surely our understanding and appreciation of Christ is hindered by our 'idolatry' - by the idols that lurk in our hearts. Whatever may be this idolatry - whether physical or spiritual - it is a great barrier to understanding the merits of the great sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Lord. Idolatry brings blindness. The Spirit is grieved. We are unable to experience the loving Presence of the Lord. This idolatry may be in the form of images [pictures of Christ]; in passions and obsessions [love of fashions, sports, hero-worship, hobbies and pastimes]; in celebrating so-called Christian festivals of Lent, Easter and Christmas - which are actually heathen customs; in observing auspicious days, holding to popular superstitions, and following the ways of the world.
Spiritual idolatry [the obsessions in our heart] is a great barrier to knowing Christ. We fall into deception; we become blind and deaf; and our heart becomes hardened to the truth of God's word. We may read without being spoken to; we may apprehend [only mentally], without being enlightened in our heart.
What is the reason for this idolatry? It is an unwillingness to accept the work of the cross in our lives. Unless there is an inward cross, we cannot cannot experience open heaven, we cannot comprehend Christ, we cannot worship in spirit and truth.
Idolatry is a very serious matter. At Bethel, in Genesis 35, we see how Jacob's family buried their idols and ear-rings [charms] under the oak tree in Shechem. We saw how the power of God was released on their behalf, for the terror of God fell upon their enemies. Idolatry is a kind of bondage [Gal 4.8; Col 2.8], and we have to be released from that bondage. We have to be redeemed from vain customs and traditions [1 Pet 1.18]. Idolatry brings a curse [Deut 7.26; 27.15], prevents us from entering the kingdom of God [1 Cor 6.9] and destines us for the lake of fire [Rev 21.8].
Yet despite all the warnings of Moses [in Deuteronomy], and all the warnings of the prophets, we find a strong tendency among God's people [Israel] to worship idols. The sacred place, Bethel, became the site of the golden calf set up by Jeroboam. It was because of this idolatry [worship of the golden calf, worship of Baal] that Israel went into captivity.
During the reign of Josiah, the idolatrous altar and high place at Bethel was destroyed [2 Kings 23.15] Subsequently they celebrated the Passover, and it is written that such a glorious Passover was not observed since the days of the Judges. No king in Judah or Israel had observed such a wonderful Passover. Don't we see the connection? If the Passover speaks of Christ and His great [finished] work on the Cross, then surely our understanding and appreciation of Christ is hindered by our 'idolatry' - by the idols that lurk in our hearts. Whatever may be this idolatry - whether physical or spiritual - it is a great barrier to understanding the merits of the great sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Lord. Idolatry brings blindness. The Spirit is grieved. We are unable to experience the loving Presence of the Lord. This idolatry may be in the form of images [pictures of Christ]; in passions and obsessions [love of fashions, sports, hero-worship, hobbies and pastimes]; in celebrating so-called Christian festivals of Lent, Easter and Christmas - which are actually heathen customs; in observing auspicious days, holding to popular superstitions, and following the ways of the world.
Spiritual idolatry [the obsessions in our heart] is a great barrier to knowing Christ. We fall into deception; we become blind and deaf; and our heart becomes hardened to the truth of God's word. We may read without being spoken to; we may apprehend [only mentally], without being enlightened in our heart.
What is the reason for this idolatry? It is an unwillingness to accept the work of the cross in our lives. Unless there is an inward cross, we cannot cannot experience open heaven, we cannot comprehend Christ, we cannot worship in spirit and truth.
Yes, so true. Somewhere I read that, even after coming to Christ, we have dark regions in the depths of our hearts that still need the Cross (maybe we've resisted?).Not that we aren't saved, but maybe we haven't let the Lord deal with us wholly in those areas. I pray that He would shine His light in the dark corners of my own heart even now, Lord Jesus, that my heart would not be hardened. May He break the barriers in our hearts and make us pliable and accepting of His Will.
Posted by
Vicki |
4:03 PM